The New Vic ... No Sunday roasts

The New Vic ... No Sunday roasts

Double take... does that say NO SUNDAY ROASTS?!

Yes it does, but this is just farewell, not goodbye. 

You see, it's been quite the year, without boring you with the traumatic details, we've had to adapt, and by adapting we've recognised the limitations of our kitchen and therefore have had to make some cut throat decisions regarding our menu. As much as we love Sunday roasts and know that you love them too, the preparation time is huge, the level of stock we have to hold is huge and the staffing is huge, we simply can't hold the stock whilst operating our new pizza menu and our BLC burger menu from our very small kitchen. If you know us then you know that we like to do things well, to the absolute best of our ability in fact and we cannot successfully execute Sunday roast on top of an already stretched kitchen.

BUT FEAR NOT ... as I said, this is a year of change, of adapting, we're not saying goodbye, we're just saying we can't accommodate it right now and we hope to bring your favourite roasts back in time for the turn of the Autumn leaves.